HT Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.
Are Textile Auxilary and Raw Material Poisonous?

Are Textile Auxilary and Raw Material Poisonous?

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There are many kinds of textile auxiliaries with a complex composition and different properties and uses. In order to better understand and use it, it is necessary to classify it. From different perspectives, there are different classification methods.

Auxiliaries and raw materials in textile printing and dyeing industry belong to chemical products, which are poisonous to some extent, but some poisons will cause harm to the body. Some poisons will not cause harm to the body as long as they do not get into the eyes and eat. However, there are many kinds of textile auxiliaries. Many products can only know their quality by testing. The loss of textile fabrics due to the problem of auxiliaries often occurs.

Many of the commodities circulated in the market are beyond the standard of formaldehyde, pH value, colorfastness and incomplete labeling. These are the main problems in the use of textile auxiliaries and finishing process. Industry experts say that this is related to the fact that many printing and dyeing enterprises attach importance to the role of teachers and ignore objective comparison. Enterprise managers (or master worker ) will use some additives and processes according to their own experience and habits and refuse other products. In this way, besides being driven partly by interests, it is more limited by its own lack of knowledge and technology. It is impossible to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of adjuvants and dare not use new adjuvants.

This situation is particularly prominent in low-end bleaching, washing and dyeing, jeans and other industries, which can easily lead to environmental problems such as substandard, poor batches, unstable quality, high actual costs, difficulties in developing new products and so on.

In the future, some small and large enterprises will be eliminated under the pressure of environmental protection. The competition pattern of textile auxiliaries industry will be positioned in the high-end market, environmentally friendly technology and high value-added functional products. Therefore, in good environmental protection, textile auxiliaries will have better development tomorrow. This is not only responsible for the enterprise itself, but also for consumers.
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