HT Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.
Year in Review | Successful Completion of the 2023 Commendation Conference and Year-End Celebration!

Year in Review | Successful Completion of the 2023 Commendation Conference and Year-End Celebration!

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The years go by, the new chapter

January 13th

"Gather strength, gather strength and climb the peak Again"

Honghao · Hongtu held the year-end ceremony in Qingyuan City

In the joy and laughter

Review brilliant, create the future!

PART1: Team development

The heart gathers strength | to reach the peak

The team development journey begins

With the morning light, Honghao Chemical's team expansion activities officially kicked off. Through the opening of the camp to break the ice, morale competition, dragon everywhere, encouraging and advancing together and other links, employees have deeply experienced the charm of team cooperation, enhance the tacit understanding and trust between each other.






PART2: Annual Meeting Ceremony · Create a better future

Gather the strength to reach the peak

Year-end Party


General manager's speech


General Manager Fang Weihong delivered the annual report at the annual meeting, shared the remarkable achievements made by Honghao Chemical in the past year, and also revealed the grand blueprint of the company for us. He said that he is full of confidence in the future development plan of Honghao Chemical, and firmly believes that the company will move towards a more brilliant future!

Wonderful performance


"Glory Days" playing and singing

Production line

"Glory Days" is not only a song, it is an expression of emotion, a love for life, a vision for the future. No matter how many difficulties you encounter in life, you must stick to it in order to truly shine your own brilliance.


"Happy Fat Man" dance

R&d team

The R & D team is a group of elites who pursue excellence in rigorous scientific research work, but also a group of energetic dancers who love life. With their unique dance, they interpret the true meaning of happiness and freedom and show a completely different spirit than usual.


"Synchronized Swimming" dance

Honghao Production Department + finished product warehouse + raw material warehouse + safety department

Synchronized dance swimming is an art form that combines the softness of dance with the strength of swimming. This time, the dancers put synchronized swimming on the stage with beautiful posture and clever movements, and brought us a different kind of dance performance.


"Like the Sun" dance

Marketing + Foreign Trade + Sales one, sales three

Dance full of passion and power - "Like the Sun". The sun, as the source of all things, has always given us endless warmth and energy. This dance can let everyone feel the brilliance and power of the sun, but also hope that our company like the meaning conveyed by the dance, like the sun!


"The Love of the Tener" dance

Sales Department 2 + Application Engineering Department

By the sales of two + application engineers team, to bring you a unique style of dance - "the love of the tener". The tener is a unique landscape along the river in ancient times. With their hard work and tough will, they bear the burden of life. The ship woman is the most beautiful companion in their life.


A Laugh from the sea

General Manager Office + Finance Department + HR Administration Department + Purchasing Department +IT Department

The sea is the cradle of life and a symbol of strength. It is sometimes calm as a mirror and sometimes violent waves, showing endless changes and charm. The dance "A smile of the sea" reflects the passion and vitality of youth.

Lucky draw link · Red envelope non-stop


Special prize, first prize, second prize, third prize, fourth prize, a total of 135 lucky winners in the lottery harvest surprise, each draw makes the scene atmosphere to the climax.

In addition, there is a special award link. No winning colleagues, leaders pay their own money to give them another chance to draw. There will be prizes for all.

PART3: The light of glory shines on the path of glory

Year-end commendation conference

Awards Ceremony

This solemn and sacred occasion recognizes the outstanding employees and teams who have made outstanding contributions to the company over the past year. They have written a brilliant chapter of the company with sweat and wisdom, and are the most shining stars of Honghao Chemical.

Deputy General Manager Speech


Deputy General Manager Dai Hongmei extended warm congratulations to the outstanding staff and team awarded. I hope that they will continue to maintain their excellent performance and contribute more to the future development of Honghao Chemical.

Recognition Ceremony


10 years of gold medal staff


Excellence Award of the year



Best new artist, Best logistics


Production and safety awards


Learning award


R&d and Project Award


Marketing Center Award

Performance Target Commitment Ceremony


The sales department's wonderful oath, let us also warm up, moved. They went to the front line of the market business and propped up a day for the sustainable development of the company.

In the midst of laughter,

The annual meeting was held successfully.

The future, let us go hand in hand,

Write a more brilliant chapter together!

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